• Whole body fat burning
  • Promote metabolism
  • Promote blood circulation
  • yoga roller
  • Increase cardiorespiratory capacity

Super jogging + roller relaxation


Strength ⭐ 1. Yoga mat/roller Suitable for all ages, including the elderly and children, suitable for the whole family to enjoy 2. The running speed of "Super Jogging" is based on the principle of "easy". The correct speed is when you can easily chat with the people next to you and keep smiling. 3. Super jogging "is as easy as walking, but the exercise effect is 2.5 times that of walking" 4. Strengthen cardiopulmonary function, improve immunity, body blood circulation exercise, muscles in all parts of the body, and prevent sarcopenia
11 位粉丝
大家好 我是Ray教練 歡迎來跟我一起雕刻妳的肌肉線條💪, 課程中其中包含了許多訓練動作,從自由重量到徒手肌力訓練,組合許多訓練動作針對身體不同肌群進行連續充滿活力與刺激性的訓練,每項訓練之間都間隔短暫的休息,訓練加上休息不斷重複,讓妳不知不覺就下課了。 最終經由這些的訓練達成加強身體新陳代謝雕塑身體線條。 往妳的理想體態邁進!😇 證照: NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學院私人教練證照 TRX:STC 懸吊訓練 TRX:GTG 團隊懸吊訓練 TWI Jr. Slide Board Training:功能性滑板訓練課程 A.R.T.肌筋膜放鬆 BSFA運動按摩 F.R.T.徒手筋膜放鬆技術 F.T.筋膜刀工具放鬆技術 K.E.T.肌動學評估技術 直播時間: 每周二 16:00~17:00