• Relieve stress
  • Relax
  • gentle stretch
  • Slight sweating

Vinyasa yoga


Strength ⭐⭐ 🌱Yoga mat / yoga block 🌱Suitable for basic training habits / home training 🌱Increase muscular endurance / Body stretching and relaxation / Relieve stress Vinyasa Yoga is an open practice method, which enables practitioners to easily obtain a full range of exercise, which increases the variability and interest of the practice. Through training, it can improve muscle strength and breathing stability training, and gently stretch to release pressure.
581 位粉丝
瑜珈可以很放鬆很勇敢 瑜珈可以自我覺察自我實現 [串聯流動 週一晚8點 [Tabata心肺訓練] 週三晚7點 [哈達瑜伽] 週四午4:45 [療癒瑜珈] 週四晚9點 [瑜伽提斯] 週五早9點 [睡前放鬆伸展] 週五晚9點 解開身體的鎖, 好好認識自己和善待自己的身體。 最高級的投資是健康自律 最幸福的境界能健康的享受生活。