• No equipment required
  • build muscle
  • Beginner
  • Sculpture body
  • #No equipment required
  • #build muscle
  • #Beginner
  • #Sculpture body

Comprehensive special training for lower limbs


Strength ⭐⭐ 💪Hands training 💪Suitable for novices in sports, people who love mountaineering and running but suffer from knee pain, and people with basic sports skills 💪Improve lower limb muscle endurance Course content: For lower limb training, we need to start with strong hip muscles to create stability for the hip joint, and start with various pushing and pulling movements of the lower limbs. Let everyone walk quickly, run and climb mountains to improve efficiency
Coach's Profile
181 fans
嗨!大家好!我是阿杰教練! 開啟學員的運動細胞是我每天的樂趣所在。 本身師大體育系畢業,熱愛運動。健身房舉鐵之餘,也喜歡登山、跑步、參加斯巴達障礙賽之類的活動,讓身體變成“好看又好用”。 期待在此平台與大家一起努力! 歡迎大家追蹤我的YT頻道:阿杰運動人生 信念:「運動是我的信仰」 願景:「助人愛上運動,也愛上運動的自己。」 ■課程內容: 1.強化肌力特訓 2.HIIT燃燒間歇訓練 ■直播時間: 每週四 19:30~20:30 每週六: 17:00~18:00