- good sleep
- deep decompression
- meditation
- soothing stretch
- #good sleep
- #deep decompression
- #meditation
- #soothing stretch
Meditation before bed
Strength ⭐
🌱Yoga mat / yoga block
🌱Suitable for everyone / suffer from insomnia
🌱 soothes the mood / relax and sleep well / deep decompression
Are you also troubled by tossing and turning and being unable to fall asleep?
Keep up with this class! Let's stop thinking for a while, let our minds empty and rest. 🧘
In this class, Coach Abi will bring some soothing stretching and breathing exercises. Through focused breathing, let’s immerse in consciousness and explore inwardly.
💤Nadi Sodhana Alternating Nostril Breathing
1) Basic analysis - the breathing method of this breathing method
2) How the tongue locks and the nose breathes
3) The amount and shape of breathing, and the way of concentration of consciousness
4) Fingerprint and operation of both hands
Coach's Profile
431 fans
Living with yoga 瑜珈生活
PM 10:00 - 11: 00|Bedtime yoga
🔺 週六
AM 10:15 - 11:15 |Vinyasa yoga
🔺 週日
AM 10:15 - 11:15| Hatha yoga
PM 9:20 - 10:20|Gentle yoga
・美國瑜珈聯盟師資 RYT200
・Gokul Yoga sadhaka 50HR
・Vinyasa Flow 150HR
・Gokul Yoga 200HR
・Hot Yoga 20HR
・瑜珈解剖學 20HR